Quick Start Guide for Managers


Starting February 18, 2025, Oracle will end support for SuitePeople Workforce Management Time Clock and SuitePeople Workforce Management mobile applications on Android 11 and earlier versions.

If you are using these versions, update your Android devices to version 12 or later to continue using WFM apps.

For more information, see SuitePeople Workforce Management on Unsupported Android Devices.

To log into the SuitePeople Workforce Management phone app, use the same login information you use to log into SuitePeople Workforce Management online.

For more information about the quick start guide for managers, see the following topics:

Navigating the SuitePeople Workforce Management Phone App

After you log in, the SuitePeople Workforce Management phone app will display all the published shifts for today.

You can filter by location, or show only your shifts on one page.

The dates represent each date of the month and week. Move forward and back and select particular days you want to view shifts for. You can click the Today button to go to the current day.

In the navigation bar, the time clock will appear if it is enabled for your company and location.

Viewing Employees' Clock-in and Clock-out Events

If an employee has not clocked in to their shift at the start time, you will receive a notification. In the Shifts view, you will see a red exclamation point and an indicator how many minutes late the employee is.

After an employee clocks in to their shift, a clock icon will appear next to it. The clock-in time will be displayed in black, and the scheduled finish time of the shift will appear in grey.

After the employee clocks out of their shift, the clock-out time will appear in black and replace the shift's scheduled finish time. These times will remain visible for 15 hours and revert to displaying the shift's scheduled times.

Mobile Time and Attendance

If Mobile Time and Attendance is activated for your account, employees will see Time Clock on the bottom menu bar.

When an employee clocks in, the Time Clock will show their next upcoming shift as an option to clock in to. If this is the shift for which the employee has arrived to work for, they can click Punch-In to clock in to their shift. If the employee has been called in to work for an unscheduled shift or is going to be working at a different job or location than what is scheduled, they can click Change to manually select the new location or job.

If clocking in manually, employees will see a list of locations for which they are able to clock in to. They must select a location and click Next.

Employees will then select a job from a list of eligible jobs for this location.

Employees will select Punch-in.

Employees will see the following after they have successfully clocked in:

  • The current date and time

  • The At Location option or the Away from location option.

  • The location and job of the clocked in shift

  • The Start Break option

  • The Punch Out option

At Location means the employee has clocked in within 50 meters of the address of the job site. You can view this during the approvals stage by clicking on the employee's timesheet shift in the Weekly View. Away from location means the employee has clocked in off the job site. This is determined by the address set on the location details in SuitePeople Workforce Management.

When employees take an unpaid break, they can click Start Break in the SuitePeople Workforce Management phone app. When an employee is ready to return, they can click the Finish Break button to end their break and start the next part of their shift.

For information about the quick start guide for employees, see Quick Start Guide for Employees.

General Notices