

The OrderMate integration is available only to accounts where it is already provisioned. It is not included with the current SuitePeople WFM solution.

Set up and manage your OrderMate integration in WFM. You can import your sales data to accurately forecast and know your labor cost percentage during the day on your dashboard.

Setting up OrderMate in WFM

Follow the steps in the procedure.

To set up OrderMate in WFM:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Integrations > OrderMate

  3. On the Create new OrderMate configuration page, choose an action.

    • If you have an existing OrderMate integration, select it from the left-hand panel.

    • If you need to create an integration, click +Create new.

  4. If you created an integration, complete the fields.

    • Name – Enter a name for the integration.

    • Brand – Select the brand or company that include the locations you need to map to WFM.

    • User – Enter the user name provided by OrderMate.

    • Password – Enter the password provided by OrderMate.

    • Store id – Enter the store ID provided by OrderMate.


      The store ID is unique for each location or venue. If you have multiple locations and venues, you may need to set up multiple integrations.

    • Add discounts – To add any applied discounts back to the sales and show projected sales without discounts applied, check the box.

    • Exclude surcharges – To rem,ove any applied surcharges to the sales and show sales without surcharges applied, check the box.

  5. Click +Create.

    After you have selected an integration or finished creating a new one, the Edit page for that integration appears.

  6. Map the locations to WFM.

    1. On the left-hand panel, click Locations

    2. For the locations that will have the sales importing for this configuration, click Link.

      After linking the location, all sales from today onwards will import to this location.


      You can link any additional locations you need to, which will be importing from these sales.

      For example, FOH and BOH are two locations for a venue. If you link both FOH and BOH, they both import the venue’s sales. All venue sales will then import to both locations.

    3. (Optional) To change the percentage of sales allocated to a linked location, click Advanced beside the location name.

      The Advanced linking window for the location appears.


      In the earlier example where locations BOH and FOH import the same sales data, you can allocate percentages of sales to go to each location. Alternatively if each department reports based on the total venue sales you can leave it as the default (100%).

      • Fetch sales – Click the box.

      • Sales percentage – Enter the percentage of sales allotted for the location.

      • Units percentage – Enter the percentage of units allotted for the location.

    4. Click Save.

  7. Fetch historical data.

    If there is an internet outage which causes a delay in data being uploaded, you can also fetch the missing sales.

    1. On the left-hand panel, click Fetch Orders

    2. In the Start and Finish fields, select the dates to establish the duration of orders for import.

    3. Click Fetch.


    Sales may not appear straight away. Data may be delayed, especially when fetching orders from long date ranges.

  8. (Optional) If the OrderMate configuration is no longer in use, click -Deactivate.

General Notices