Redcat POS
The Redcat POS integration is available only to accounts where it is already provisioned. It is not included with the current SuitePeople WFM solution.
To set up the Redcat point of sales integration, you will need a Redcat login with access to API reporting. If you are unsure if you have access, contact your Redcat representative.
Creating a Redcat POS Integration
Follow the procedure.
To create a Redcat POS integration:
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Integrations > Redcat.
On the Create page, complete the required fields.
Base url – Enter tour Redcat cloud URL. Ensure that the format matches the following:
Credentials – Enter the username and password from your Redcat representative.
Click Save.
The following fields are available after you create the integration:
Sales field
Units field
The fields refer to sales and units in WFM. From each list, select the corresponding fields that you want to fetch from Redcat.
You can change this at a future date, however, you will need to re-fetch any previously imported data.
Setting up Additional Redcat Sale Types
If you have additional sale types in Redcat and would like to use these in conjunction with your labor deployment model, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
After the sale types are set up, the Sales subcategories menu item is available on the page. Subcategories are only used for labor deployment.
For more information, see Labor Deployment.
To set up additional Redcat sale types:
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Integrations > Redcat.
Select edit next to the sales or unit field where you want to add additional subcategories.
(Optional) If you do not see what you are looking for, the field may already be mapped. To view linked fields, check the Include items that are already linked box at the top of the page.
Map WFM locations to Redcat locations.
On the left-hand panel, click Locations.
A list of locations appears.
From each location field, search the corresponding Redcat location.
Click Save.
Redcat sales will start fetching to the linked units.
Guidelines when Integrating Redcat with WFM
Note the following guidelines.
Sales will update in WFM once per hour.
WFM fetches data at a 15-minute resolution.
Each time WFM fetches data, all data are pulled for today. If sales change retrospectively, such as when discounts are applied after the fact, these will update the next time data is fetched.
If there is no data importing after data is fetched successfully, ensure the data appears in Redcat reporting, then try to fetch historical data. For more information, see
Fetching Historical Data from Redcat
After you first set up the Redcat integration you can fetch historical data to WFM. This data is not automatically transferred to WFM,
To fetch historical data from Redcat:
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Integrations > Redcat.
From the left-hand panel, click Fetch stats.
Select the start and finish date of the period you would like to fetch. No date limit is applies.
Select the locations with historical data that you would like to fetch.
If you are fetching data for a short period, such as one location for one week, the page updates to let you know when the process is complete.
If you are fetching data for longer periods, such as for multiple locations for more than two weeks, a message appears to let you know that the process is working in the background. WFM notifies you when the process is complete.