Linking Employees to MYOB

Follow the procedure.

To link employees to MYOB:

  1. Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Integrations > MYOB.

  2. Click Employees.

  3. Select the subtab that best fits your purpose.

    • Link Employee – Select this subtab if you want to link or unlink employees that are available in both WFM and MYOB.

    • Import Employee – Select this subtab if you want to import employees from MYOB to WFM.

    • Export Employee – Select this subtab if you want to export employees from WFM to MYOB.

  4. If you are on the Link Employee subtab, a list of MYOB employees appear.

    1. From the list, locate the employee to link to WFM. If they are not on the list, they are not listed in MYOB.

    2. On the corresponding employee field, select the employee file in MYOB.

    3. Click Link.

    4. (Optional) If you want to unlink an employee, click Unlink.

    5. (Optional) If you want to retrieve employee information from MYOB to WFM, click Pull.

    6. (Optional) If you want to update employee information from WFM to MYOB, click Push.

  5. If you are on the Import Employee subtab, a list of MYOB employees appears.

    1. From the list, locate the employee to import to WFM. If they are not on the list, they are not listed in MYOB or they are already linked with WFM.

    2. Import the locations where employees are available.

  6. If you are on the Export Employee subtab, a list of WFM employees appears.

    From the list, locate the employee to export to MYOB. If they are not on the list, they are not listed in WFM or they are already linked to an MYOB staff card.

General Notices