FAQ: Xero Integration with WFM
See the questions and answers below for information about the Xero integration in WFM.
Why do draft payruns from archived payroll calendars appear in export files?
The Xero Payroll API does not give an inactive status on payroll calendars, so when we create payruns, Xero is creating them for all payroll calendars including inactive payroll calendars.
It may be helpful to check with Xero support to see if you can completely delete a payroll calendar, and any ramifications in doing so.
How do I resolve a missing earnings rate or location error when exporting files?
If you run a payroll export and encounter an error about an archived or missing earnings rate or location linking, check your Xero mapping. For example, "There is one Earnings Rate that is archived or missing from Xero."
To resolve the error, go to Payroll Export > Setup, then select your organisation.
Review the mapping based on the type of error you received.
For earnings rate or allowance errors, go to Agreements
For employees, go to Staff
For timesheet tracking errors, go to Locations
When you find the mapping causing issues, remove this mapping and correct the error in Xero, if needed. On the mapping page, click Refresh, then correct the link.
How do I ensure the date field shows correct date by default when I load the payroll for the week?
In Xero, go to a list of your pay calendars. In each pay calendar you will need to change the 'next payment date' and set it to the correct date (eg pay date next week).
You will also need to do this on any archived pay calendars. Re-enable these calendars and then change this setting. When done, archive the pay calendar again.
When they are all set to the same date, the next time you load payroll in WFM, the date will then show correctly on this page.
If you're unsure about where you can find your pay calendars in Xero, contact your Xero advisor.
How do I resolve a negative value in payruns when I try to export shifts?
Before running an export, WFM checks if there are any errors from Xero that could cause issues with the export.
You cannot re-export timesheets if there was a partial export or a failure with the creation of allowances detected. This is a safety measure to ensure that hours worked are successfully exported while minimizing the chance of an error or manual entry of all hours for staff.
If WFM shows an error about a negative value in payruns, this indicates an issue in Xero where the pay template has a negative value. You must remove this value before running the export.
The negative value is generally a result of a deduction that has been applied to a staff member resulting in a negative value. For example, check if any new deductions were recently added to the employee.
Why do I need to set up tracking category mapping?
As a requirement for sending work hours to Xero, you must set up tracking categories that break down these hours in WFM. Category mapping ensures you can track the accurate allocation of hours and wages in both WFM and Xero.
How do I resolve an issue where only part of the shifts for the week are exported?
WFM is unable to export hours to Xero when there is a timesheet for a payrun. In this case, you must manually update the data in Xero.
If only part of the week's hours have been exported, follow the steps to complete your payrun.
Run your export as normal. When all shifts have exported, click continue and head back to the export screen (with the list of staff names).
When all shifts have exported, click Continue.
Go to the Export page with the list of employee names.
You will see the list of employees whose shifts were only partially exported to Xero.
Click each employee's name.
WFM shows the approved hours worked and how the hours are broken down and exported to Xero.
For each employee, note the hours that were not exported and add them to the employee's pay run in Xero.
How can an employee sync their superannuation fund to Xero?
WFM lets linked employees select and update their superannuation fund details on their WFM profiles.
If your fund is not yet linked to Xero, accomplish the following steps before you sync your fund.
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Financial.
On the Superannuation fund details page, enter your super fund name, superannuation product identification number (SPIN), and account number.
Click Save.
After linking your fund, sync your superannuation fund to Xero by following the steps.
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Financial.
On the Superannuation fund details page, select the fund that you want to sync to Xero.
Enter your account number.
Click Save.
How do I onboard new employees so their superannuation details are sent to Xero?
Ensure that you link your employees to Xero before they fill in their superannuation details.
To properly onboard employees and their superannuation fund details:
Create the employee in WFM.
Export or link the WFM employee to Xero.
When the employee first logs in to their WFM profile, they can set their superannuation fund details, and these details will sync to Xero.
If employees fill in the fund details before you link or export them to Xero, the superannuation data will not sync with Xero when you try to run payroll for the employees. You would need to enter the information to Xero.
How do I resolve a "Super guarantee" error when exporting shifts?
Before processing the export, WFM checks if there are any errors from Xero that could cause issues. This error indicates an issue where an employee in Xero is 18 or older and has a superannuation line on their payslip.
Locate and correct the superannuation line in the employee in Xero. Check if any new employees were recently added to Xero or have recently turned 18. If you are unsure, contact your Xero representative or advisor.
This error occurs because you cannot re-export timesheets if there was a partial export or a failure with the creation of allowances detected. This is a safety measure to ensure that hours worked are successfully exported while minimizing the chance of an error or manual entry of all hours for employees.