Linking Employees to ADP (Canada)
To link your Adi Staff to an ADP Badge Number, select the Staff menu item under Payroll Configuration. You can use the drop-down boxes at the top of this page to view All Staff, Unlinked Staff, Linked Staff.
You can also filter to staff who are employed now or in the future, or terminated.
Follow the procedure to link WFM employees.
To link employees to ADP (Canada):
Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Integrations.
From the Payroll systems list, select ADP (Canada).
On the ADP (Canada) configurations page, click the configuration you created.
On the configuration page, click Staff.
Locate the employee or employees you want to link.
In the Search field, enter the name of the employee.
From the list beside the Search field, filter to view either:
All Employees
Unlinked Employees
Linked Employees
From the list on the upper right of the page, filter to view employees:
employed now or in the future
employment terminated
In the ADP Badge Number column of the employee you want to link, enter the ADP code.
To link the employee, press Enter.
(Optional) To unlink an employee from a code, click Unlink on the corresponding row.