The WageEasy integration is available only to accounts where it is already provisioned. It is not included with the current SuitePeople WFM solution.
With Workforce Management (WFM), you can export worked time to Wage Easy.
To set up and export hours to Wage Easy, see the following procedures in this section.
Setting Up Unique WFM IDs
All employees in WageEasy need to have their employee numbers and time cards set to the WFM unique ID.
To set up a unique WFM ID:
Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Integrations.
From the Payroll systems list, select WageEasy.
Select the Roster Locations and pay range.
Click View Staff.
The column titled ID is the unique ID.
Setting up WFM Schedules to Export to a WageEasy Department
To have the approved hours from WFM appear in WageEasy departments, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
When the setup is ready, a list of WFM Roster Units with the corresponding department numbers appears in Wage Easy. If you try to export before these are set up, the schedules will not export correctly.
If you have created a new roster unit with exportable shifts before the linking is complete, you will also be unable to export. Send an email message with the correct department ID to the address mentioned.
Exporting Hours Worked to Import to WageEasy
Follow the procedure.
To export hours worked from WFM:
Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Integrations.
From the Payroll systems list, select WageEasy.
Select the date range for the pay period.
Select the rosters that you would like to export.
To show all approved leave for the period, click Leave Report
Open WageEasy and enter the leave before importing the hours from WFM.
Go back to the WageEasy page in WFM.
To show the approved hours for the locations selected, click Preview Shifts.
Ensure that the hours approved are correct.
To export approved hours, click Export Shifts.
Save the file to a known location to import into WageEasy.
Importing Hours Worked to WageEasy
After you have saved a file of hourse worked from WFM, you can import the hours to WageEasy.
To import hours worked to WageEasy:
Open Wage Easy.
Enter any employee leaves.
In WageEasy, go to Wages > Auto.
To import the timesheets, follow the prompts.