Google Analytics 4 Conversion Events

In Google Analytics 4 (GA4), goals are measured by conversion events.

Conversation events are an important GA4 tool for tracking completed activities. For a Commerce website, the most common goal is for a visitor to make a purchase. Another goal may be for a visitor to sign up to a newsletter.

By defining conversion events, you help GA4 provide you with tracking information such as the number of conversions, conversion rates, and which campaigns gave you the highest conversion rate.

There are two types of goals, macro and micro. A macro goal represents the final goal, such as a visitor purchasing something. Macro goals are made up of micro goals. Micro goals represent the activities that a visitor completes prior to the conversion. Micro goals can include reviewing product specifications or reading product reviews.

For more information about conversion events, go to Set up and manage conversion events on the Google support site.


Funnels represent the path that traffic should take to final conversion. Funnel exploration lets GA4 track where visitors enter and exit your website.

For example, if you see that you have an excessive amount of traffic leaving your site at the same location prior to conversion, you can evaluate that location and rework it to help increase the number of conversions. You may also see traffic skipping certain areas on the path to conversion, perhaps indicating that your path to conversion is too long. This information can help you streamline your website processes to lead to more conversions.

For more information about funnels, including instructions on how to create a funnel exploration, go to Funnel exploration on the Google support site.

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