Available to Promise in Supply Allocation

NetSuite enables you to use Available to Promise in Supply Allocation to apply the calculated date and set the requested date, define refined order allocation methods, automatically re-calculate the ship date when supply changes. All these features result in a more dynamic location assignment.

You cannot manually adjust the sales order ship date. You need to allocate future inventory to the orders.

To enable supply allocation:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Click the Items & Inventory subtab.

  3. Check the Multi-Location Inventory box.

  4. Check the Supply Allocation box.

  5. To initiate the required data check, click Save.

  6. On the Supply Allocation Migration page, click Submit.

  7. If necessary, click Refresh to update the status of the data check.

    After the data check is complete, the system informs you if the check was successful.

    If the data check is unsuccessful, a message indicates that you need to contact NetSuite Customer Support.

  8. If the data check is successful, return to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  9. Click the Items & Inventory subtab.

  10. Check the Supply Allocation box.

  11. Click Save.

To use earliest availability:

  1. To open a sales order, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.

  2. In the Sales Order page, select a sales order.

  3. In Supply Required by Date column, click Earliest Availability icon.

  4. In the Earliest Availability pop-up window, select a Location.

  5. Review the Earliest Available Date.

    You can select alternate locations and then recompute the date to determine the location when Automatic Location Assignment (ALA) is enabled.

  6. To populate Supply Required By Date and Location, click OK.

  7. To return to the line, click Close.

Earliest Item Availability in Supply Allocation

  1. To display the Earliest Item Availability page, go to Transactions > Order Management > Earliest Item Availability.

  2. If you are working in a OneWorld account, select a Subsidiary.

  3. Select the Item you want to display availability for.

    The locations holding inventory are displayed and the related columns are populated.

  4. To filter your item availability, select a Sales Channel.

    To display the available supply pool, leave the field empty.

  5. Enter the number of items you need in the Quantity field.

    If the displayed Earliest Available Dates do not match your required date, enter a lower quantity, and review other locations for available inventory.

  6. To apply rules to the date calculation, select an Allocation Strategy.

  7. If your allocation strategy has an allocation period, select a Supply Required by Date.

  8. Click Save.

    If there is a shortage of supply, then the Earliest Available Date is today’s date plus ATP Lead Time.

General Notices