
New Features and Enhancements

  • Track Service Time – This feature allows field personnel to track service time by capturing the Start and Complete times of a job, automating the creation of time bills. This capability makes it easier for managers to keep track of field activities and helps reduce billing errors.

  • Secure Authentication and Access – This version includes improved user token authentication on mobile devices.

  • Account Registry Information – The Field Service Management mobile license and users count can now be found on the employee record as part of the Field Service Mobile User box. Users with the Administrator role no longer count toward the mobile license, even if the Field Service Mobile User box is checked on their employee record.

  • Field Service Management Console Removed – The Field Service Management Console page is removed. Release notes and API information are now found in the Help Center and SuiteAnswers.

  • Oracle Maps – Maps on mobile and the schedule board are now rendered using Oracle Maps.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue was resolved that caused error logs to contain an unmasked password when attempting to log in with an invalid email address.

  • An issue was resolved that caused some tasks and employees to be missing on the schedule board when Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing was enabled.

  • An issue was resolved where mobile forms could not be saved after a required Time block was changed.

  • An issue was resolved that caused an error when saving a Sales Order without a Project when Project Management is disabled.

  • An issue was resolved where mobile forms containing time inputs with preset values load in an edited state.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the value of 0 not to be submitted from the mobile app when entered in a number block.

  • A issue was resolved that caused asset duplicate checks not to run when users copy an existing asset.

  • An issue was resolved that caused an invalid filters error to be created when a user copied an existing asset.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the Asset Time Zone not to be updated after multiple address changes when creating a new Asset.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the preview of image blocks to fail to display.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the schedule board not to load when custom resource config was applied.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the Email Mobile Login button on the employee record to show an error when the employee has the Administrator role.

  • An issue was resolved that caused the New Field Service Asset button to display as New Null when the new Redwood Experience theme is enabled.

General Notices