Assigning Manager

Only one person can be the manager of a single group at any given point.

The manager of a group will be able to see locations which belong to this group -including any sub-groups.

Above: Clicking the icon in the top-left shows a list of groups & sub groups to select from.

To assign a manager to a group you’ve created:

Select a group/sub-group to assign a manager to (above)

Click on +New Manager

Select a manager to assign to this group

Select a start-date (start date is required but finish date is not)

A manager is now assigned to this group

You can see a history of managers on each group page:

This will list any previous and future managers for this group. If a manager does not have an end date set this is fine, however if a new manager is taking over you may see an information message letting you know there may be an overlap. If there is no overlap, the screen indicates that there are no overlapping manager associations.

A common example of this is a manager going on leave for a few weeks and they won’t be able to log in, in which case there are two options.

Set a finish date for the manager

Select a new manager to take over for those few weeks.

If you set a finish date for the manager, the manager of the parent group will now become the manager of these locations.

Please note: The assigned manager will be able to see the locations on the daily and weekly screen as well as change their settings, however they will not be able to see the employees profiles unless they have those locations explicitly assigned on their profiles.

General Notices