Automatic Union Holiday Leave

Step 1: Set up Leave Type Under the Leave Settings

  1. Head to Setup > Leave/Time Off and create your new Leave Type

  2. After Saving, head to the "Automatic leave" tab and click the button for "Use for automatic leave."

Step 2: Amend Wage Setup to include Holiday Conditions

  1. Head to Setup > Wage > Region-based wages setup to view the existing default Region-based wage setup as well as any wage overrides you currently have setup. Click on your custom Wage Override you have setup. In this example below, the Wage Setup titled 'Region' is our custom Wage Setup.

    • The default Region-based wages are viewable but not editable. If you have not yet set up a custom Region-Based Wage Override, click the "+New region-based wages override" button at the bottom and follow the prompts.

  2. Next, click on Conditions to view and edit your existing Wage Conditions.

  3. Click Edit to update your existing Holiday Condition (or click +Create new Condition if you do not yet have a Holiday Condition setup.)


    Automatic Leave for Union Members before July 1, 2017 is currently defaulted to apply 8 hours of Automatic Leave so long as the employees works their Previous and Subsequent Shifts. This means you only need to setup the Override for employees that are enrolled after July 1, 2017.

    After you click Edit, you will then be able to view and edit the rules for this Condition. In this example, we have named the Holiday condition "Holiday Loading" and set it as a Penalty Rate.

    We have ticked the box "Only applies on public holidays" to ensure this rule only triggers on the public holidays listed on the Account.

  4. You can create several different Rules to capture the different Conditions of your Holiday pay. With the new Automatic Leave functionality, comes the ability to add rules surrounding Union enrollment dates as well as if the employee worked their previous Shift before the Holiday and subsequent Shift after the Holiday. These rules are found at the bottom of the Rules Edit box.

  5. Next, head to the Multipliers tab to set up the Multiplier for this Penalty Rate Condition you've created. In this instance, we have set the above Condition to trigger a multiplier of 150%. This means, if the employee works the Holiday and meets the Conditions. They will be paid at a rate of 1.5x their Regular Rate.

Step 3: Ensure employees are setup with their Union Membership dates

  1. In the Employee's profile under their Employment tab, there is a box for Union Membership. Enter the employee's Union Membership date and Save.

Step 4: Viewing Automatic Leave in the Weekly View

  1. See below for the example of what it will look like in the Weekly View for three different scenarios where the employees are working on a Holiday:

    • A Non-Union employee that does not trigger Automatic leave

    • An employee that was enrolled in the union after July 1, 2017 that is triggering the Override of 1.5X their base rate

    • An employee that was enrolled in the Union before July 1, 2017 that has the 8 hours of Automatic Leave in addition to their Scheduled hours

  2. See below for the example of what it will look like in the Weekly View for three different scenarios where the employees are not working on the Holiday:

    • A Non-Union employee is not scheduled and does not trigger Automatic leave

    • An employee that was enrolled in the union after July 1, 2017 that is triggering the 8 hours of Automatic Leave

    • An employee that was enrolled in the union before July 1, 2017 that is triggering the 8 hours of Automatic Leave


    The Automatic Leave and 1.5X rule will only apply if there is no action or an Approval on both the previous and subsequent Shift. This means, if the Shift before After the Holiday is denied (thumbs down), the Union Leave Conditions will be removed. If an employee enrolled in the Union after July 1, 2017 is not Schedule but ends up working the Holiday, the 8 hours of Automatic Leave will be removed and the 1.5X trigger will apply to the Approved time.

Step 5: Viewing Automatic Leave within the Employee's Profile

  1. Using the example above of the 4th of July, you will now be able to see the Automatic Leave in the employee's profile under their Leave tab

  2. If you hover over the Notes, it will read "Automatically generated leave due to public holiday."

Step 6: Viewing Automatic Leave in the Shift Hours Report

  1. You will now be able to see the Automatic Leave hours +cost, plus the Union Member dates within the Shift Hours report

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