Customizing the Setup of the Belgium SuiteTax VAT Report Filters

The Periodic VAT Return 625 report, that is provided by the Belgium Localization SuiteApp, is configured based on the statutory requirements. You can customize the default setup of the report by modifying or adding tax report filters.

For information about the default setup of the VAT report's filters as provided by the SuiteApp, see Periodic VAT Return 625.

To customize the VAT Return 625 filters setup:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Tax Returns.

  2. Click View next to Periodic VAT Return – 625.

  3. Enable Use Custom Template. If this toggle switch does not exist, proceed with adding or customizing the filters. Customizing the default setup automatically enables Use Custom Template.

  4. To add a filter:

    1. Click Add Filter.

    2. From the Search Type list, select whether to include Sales, Purchase, Expenses, or Billable Expenses, to the report.

    3. Select one or more options from each of these lists:

      • Transaction Types

      • Tax Codes

      • Tax Transaction Types

      • Tax Item Types

      • Tax Reporting Category

      For more information about these lists, see Adding a Tax Return Filter.

    4. Click Save.

  5. To customize a default filter:

    • On a given tax report box, click the set of filters that you want to modify.

    • Select your preferred options for Search Type, Transaction Types, Tax Codes, Tax Transaction Types, Tax Item Types, and Tax Reporting Category.

    • Click Save to save your modifications, or Reset to restore the default setup of this set of filters.

For more information, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.

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