Integrating NetSuite Connector with Oracle Simphony

To integrate NetSuite Connector and Oracle Simphony, you need to enter your SFTP credentials in the Simphony Connector credentials settings screen. You can request the SFTP details from your administrator or contact Oracle Support to create the SFTP location.

To configure credential settings:

  1. Log in to

  2. Go to Oracle Simphony > Settings > Credentials.

  3. In the Credentials settings subtab, enter the following details to connect to your Oracle Simphony SFTP server:

    • Simphony User Name

    • Simphony Endpoint

    • Simphony Dataport

    • Simphony Private Key

    • Simphony Orders Path

    • Simphony Orders Archive Path

  4. In the Credentials settings subtab, enter the following details to enable decryption of your exports:

    • Simphony Private Key

      According to the tool you use to create the file, some edits might be required. Follow the below steps to prep the file:

      1. Open the .asc or key file with a text editor

      2. Verify that the Private key is formatted as follows, without any additional data appearing before the cipher:

        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----


        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

      3. When copying and pasting the information, select all of the text in the file, including “-----BEGIN KEY” through “END KEY-----”.

    • Simphony Passphrase

  5. Click on Save and Test Connection.

    When the connection is established, a success message is displayed.

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