Validating Your China VAT And Nexus Settings In Accounts With SuiteTax

After completing your China Localization setup in your account, you should validate your settings. This ensures that your transactions are recorded correctly and reported appropriately.

You can check your nexus, VAT records, and subsidiary settings using a saved search called VAT Transactions Search By Nexus For China Subsidiaries. Using this saved search, you can view the transactions that are created in China subsidiaries.

This saved search is provided during installation of the China Localization SuiteApp.

To validate your nexus, VAT records, and subsidiary settings:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  2. On the Saved Searches page, look for the VAT Transactions Search By Nexus For China Subsidiaries saved search in the Title column.

  3. Click View.

    • (Optional) Click Export (CSV) under the Export Results column to download the results in CSV format.

    • (Optional) Click Persist (CSV) under the Persist Results column to download the persist results in CSV format.

  4. Expand the Filters and choose a nexus from the Nexus list. You can select multiple options.

    The saved search will show all VAT transactions from all nexuses assigned to a China subsidiary if no nexus is selected.

  5. (Optional) On the Results page, click Export -PDF to save the results in PDF format

  6. (Optional) Click Export -Microsoft ®Excel to save the results in excel format

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