Portugal Shipping Documents

Shipping documents are required in Portugal for putting goods into circulation. These documents can be generated in NetSuite using item fulfillments records. These documents are also referred to as the delivery notes.

An item fulfillment record is created when you fulfill an order. To fulfill orders, go to Transactions > Order Management > Fulfill Orders.

You can also create item fulfillments from the following transaction types:

Relevant Fields for Portugal Shipping Documents

The following fields have been added to item fulfillments record, and are pertinent to shipping documents in Portugal:

  • AT DOC CODE ID – This code refers to the identification code issued by the Portugal Tax and Customs Authority (AT) to the document per Decree No. 147/2003, of July 11. The code is obtained from AT after submitting the SAF-T for Shipping file. For more information, see Updating ATDocCodeIDs in Portugal Shipping Documents.

  • Movement of Goods Start Time – The date and time of when the transport of goods from Portugal started expressed in the local time of the warehouse that transports the goods. This value is not affected by user's time zone and stays unchanged when displayed in the UI, printed documents, or generated reports. Based on your account preferences, the time is displayed in 12- or 24-hour format.


    Although filling out this field is not required for saving your record, doing so prevents you from getting errors when generating SAF-T reports in the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.


    It is possible that the list view mode in your account will currently not display this field correctly.

  • License Plate – If the information about the license plate of the vehicle that transports the goods is applicable for your transaction, you can fill it into this field.


The relevant fields for Portugal shipping documents are related to the Movement of Goods. For a better use of NetSuite, you can add these fields to your existing item fulfillments list view. For more information, see Movement of Goods in Portugal Localization SuiteApp.

Printing Portugal Shipping Documents

You can click the print icon on the item fulfillment record to print a delivery note.

To print the item fulfillment (which acts as the delivery note) in the accepted format in Portugal, you must ensure that you have the PDF template provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp set up as your preferred template. For more information, see Setting the Portugal Print Format for Custom Transactions.

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