Mappings in Simphony Connector

In Simphony Connector, you are required to map the location and payments to track your orders posted in NetSuite.

To add Location mapping for NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Go to Oracle Simphony > Mappings > Orders

  3. In the Order subtab, click on Add Row. Add NetSuite Mapping window opens.

  4. From the NetSuite Field list, select Location.

  5. Click Add Mapping and Close

  6. The Location row is added at the bottom of the Order Mappings page.

  7. Click Save.

To add Payment mapping for NetSuite Connector:

For more info, refer to Mapping Order Payment Methods in NetSuite Connector

  1. Log in to

  2. Go to Oracle Simphony > Mappings > Orders

  3. In the Payment subtab, Add the new payment method in the left column.

  4. Click the dropdown in the right column to select the NetSuite payment method to which you want to map the new payment method.

  5. Click Save.

    The current order and all future orders with the same payment method will use the mapping that you created using this procedure.

General Notices