Modelo 349

Modelo 349 has the following two main builders:

  1. builders/modelos/Modelo349SummaryBuilder

    The builder retrieves a single line summarizing the information needed for the header of the report, which is then passed on to the processors/modelos/Modelo349SummaryPreProcessor.

  2. builders/modelos/Modelo349OperatorsBuilder

    The builder retrieves one line for each customer/vendor to be included in the report. Each line is then processed by the processors/modelos/Modelo349OperatorsPreProcessor.

The objects produced by the two preprocessors are passed on to the processors/modelos/Modelo349SummaryPostProcessor that unifies them into a single object. Such object is then used by the processors/modelos/Modelo349TxtProcessor to get to the report.

To see the whole list of box details:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Go to SuiteApps > com.netsuite.spainlocalization > src > schemas.

  3. Click on ES_MODELO_349_DETAILS.json and open the file.

    Here, you will find a list of all the boxes with an ID in the boxX form, where X stands for the box number. The property source identifies the data source defined at the beginning of the file, where its builder and preprocessor are specified. Each box is also tied to a postprocessor that is defined in the property processor of the box itself.

Unlike other reports, Modelo 349 does not have a fixed number of detail views (besides the detail for box 02). It has one clickable item for each customer/vendor. This behavior is implemented by declaring a single data source (builders/modelos/Modelo349DetailsBuilder with the processors/EmptyPreProcessor) that returns all the tax lines to be included in the report. The result is then filtered by customer/vendor in the processors/modelos/Modelo349OperatorDetailsPostProcessor, so that each detail view only shows the tax lines relevant to the considered context.

General Notices