Handling Colorado Retail Delivery Fee in NetSuite Connector

The Colorado Retail Delivery Fee is a fee imposed on all deliveries by motor vehicle to customers located in Colorado. To properly handle this fee in NetSuite, you need to create a non-taxable other charge for sale item for the fee. After the other charge item is created, NetSuite Connector automatically adds this line item to all Shopify orders that contain the fee.

To create the other charge for sale for Colorado Delivery Fee

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

  2. Under Item type, click Other Charge for Sale.

  3. Enter the following information:

    1. In the designated SKU field, enter ColoradoRetailDeliveryFee.


      To determine the designated SKU field for your connector go to Settings > Orders. The field ID of your SKU field is location in the setting NetSuite SKU field id.

    2. Click the Accounting subtab.

    3. In the Income Account field, select the appropriate expense account.

    4. From the Tax Schedule list, select Not Taxable.

  4. Click Save.

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