Restage NSPOS From the Register
Rather than provisioning a workstation for restaging using the RA-Workstation record in NetSuite ERP, you can download and run the staging client directly from the register.
When you use this process:
The same staging package downloads that you receive from using the Provisioning > Installation URL link in NetSuite ERP
The NSPOS application closes so that restaging can begin
The staging client opens and starts automatically
The same staging options that are available when downloading from NetSuite ERP are available when restaging from the register
When you start NSPOS after restaging, the register will use the version you installed
To restage NSPOS from the register:
Sign on to NSPOS as a manager or administrator (Resource ID 9070 or greater).
Press Ctrl+F12 to open the Function List.
Search for and tap Restage.RunStagingClient.
The staging client downloads and the verification step begins automatically. For information about the staging process and options, see Stage a Register in NSPOS 2020.1.X or 2024.1.X.
Manually start NSPOS when the staging process is complete.
If desired, you can assign the restaging function to a button that is available only to managers and administrators. Running restaging from a button eliminates a few steps from the process.

To assign Restage.RunStagingClient to a button:
Press Ctrl+F12 to open the Function List.
Search for and tap Button Edit.
Tap Main (bottom) or Side and then tap Pages.
Under Button Page, tap Other Functions or a different page on which to place the button.
Tap Activate so that you can see the changes immediately.
Tap Buttons.
Tap New to create a new button or tap an existing button to remap it.
Search for and tap Restage.RunStagingClient.
Tap Done.
Enter a Caption for the button, such as Restage.
Choose a button Style, Width, Height, and other options as desired. See Configure Button Bars for more information.
Close the button window when your setup is complete.