Sales Subcategories

Currently, sales subcategories are only imported from Redcat.

Within a brand, select Stats Types.

Here you can add subcategories to an existing stats type (Sales/Units), and these can be different between sales or units.

To add a new one click Add new.

To change the name, click on the name and type in the name

To deactivate click Deactivate.

If there are deactivated ones you can re-activate them

These can be setup to drill in at the detail level required.

Deployment by sales subcategories

If you create multiple models for the same team these will be calculated independently and then added together when looking at staffing needs.

For example: In a restaurant you may build a model for the FOH team based on dine-in units and a second model based on takeaway units.

When an employee is needed in either of these models they will be added to the team’s staffing needs.

General Notices