Globalization Glossary

The Globalization Glossary includes general terms in the General Glossary and additional terms related to managing translations in the Manage Translations Glossary.

General Glossary


Standard file format for UI string translation. This format is also used by CAT tools and it can be bilingual — it can contain both source strings and their translations.

CAT tool

Computer-aided translation tool. CAT tools are used by translators in the course of translation to improve productivity, terminological consistency and overall translation quality.

Child String

Child string is a type of a string in the string hierarchy available in Manage Translations UI. It can be created by linking a stand-alone string to a custom string. It cannot be deleted and it inherits its description and translations from its parent string.


Background information.

Context Notes

In NetSuite, context notes are used to provide more information to exported strings, which are sent to translation vendors, so that translators could translate the strings correctly.

Currency Formatting

Currency is formatted in accordance with the selected country’s locale. For example, while some countries use commas as decimal points and periods to separate thousands, other countries may use a dot as a decimal point and a comma or an empty space to separate thousands.

Date Formatting

Date and time is formatted in accordance with the selected country’s locale. For example, while Germany uses date formatting Day/Month/Year, U.S. locale prefers Month/Day/Year.

Globalization (G11n)

In NetSuite, globalization is a combination of internationalization, localization, and translatability. Globalization is a process to ensure the NetSuite application conforms to local customs and that it accommodates local typographical, numerical, and other formatting standards. The goal is to provide an excellent user experience that supports customers’ native languages and meets their unique requirements across locales.

Internationalization (i18n)

In NetSuite, internationalization is the process of designing and developing or adapting NetSuite features or objects to allow or facilitate their localization.


A set of parameters determining user’s language and country of origin.

Localization (L10n)

In NetSuite, localization stands for adapting the translated NetSuite application, features or objects in accordance with linguistic, typographical or other needs of specific countries. Localization can concern formats of dates, currencies, time or numbers, direction of text, various fonts, color coding and others.

Localization Context

Background information for a proper translation or localization of a translation string.


Language service provider/vendor is an intermediary providing contact between the customer and translators. LSPs organize translation projects and mediate contact between the customers and translators.

Machine Translation (MT)

Machine Translation is a computer program used for automated translation of text without any human input.

Manage Translations

This single-page application is used in work with Translation Collections and to manage translation strings in the NetSuite UI. For more information, see Manage Translations UI Overview.

Parent String

A parent string is a type of a string in the string hierarchy available in Manage Translations UI. A parent string provides its description and translations to its child strings. It can be created either in UI or in SDF as a part of a Translation Collection. It is included in a collection and it is editable except for its collection.

Platform Internationalization

The internationalization team provides modifications to the NetSuite application to allow localization of the application.

Phone Number Formatting

Formatting of phone number can differ from one locale from another. For example, while some countries will preface the phone number with a plus sign, other use one or more zeroes.

Record Localization Context (feature)

This feature provides context for proper localization of records. For more information, see Record Localization Context.

Source string

Original wording of a translation string in the default language of the Translation Collection.

Stand-Alone String

A stand-alone string is a type of string in the translation hierarchy available in the Manage Translations UI. A standalone string is created when a custom object or record is created and it is in turn deleted when the respective object or record is deleted. Therefore, the lifecycle of the stand-alone string is essentially connected to the lifecycle of the record. Stand-alone strings can neither be created nor deleted through the Manage Translations UI. They can be linked to a custom string and become a child string.


Termbase is a database of terms. A termbase can be used to store company-wide terminology to improve cohesion of used terms.

Translatability (T13y)

In NetSuite, translatability is an object’s property of being translatable. Any object which is to be translated into another language has to be intentionally developed or modified to be translatable.


Meaning of a source string expressed in another language.

Translation Memory (TM)

Translation memories are used by CAT tools and contain translated segments of text. Translation memories are always created for a single pair of languages (source +target) and they are created by translators for the purpose of terminology management for individual customers.

Translation String

A translation string consists of a key (identifier), a source string and one or multiple translations of the source string.

Without Collection

One of the filters on the Manage Translations Strings Subtab. By selecting this option, you can display only stand-alone strings.


The filename extension of the files exported from the Manage Translations application for translations. Its file type is XLIFF.


The file type of the files exported from the Manage Translations application for translations. Its filename extension is XLF.

Manage Translations Glossary



Translation Collection

A customization object that stores translation strings with their translations.

Translation String

A translation string is a key / value pair: the key being an identifier for the term, and its value being a source string. The source string is limited to 1,000 characters.

Default Language

All strings in a collection are required to contain value in its default language. For example, a collection with default language of French requires that all strings in the collection have a value in French.

Default Value

A string’s translation value in the default language of the collection to which the string belongs.

Import Jobs

List of translation import jobs. This list can be viewed on the Manage Translations Page Import Jobs Subtab.


In the key / value pair of a translation string, the key is the term’s identifier. Each string must contain a unique key and each string can be translated into multiple languages. The maximum number of characters in the Key field is 255.

Source String

In the key / value pair of a translation string, the source string is the value or the text that is to be translated. You can translate a source string into any language supported by NetSuite. For a list of languages supported by NetSuite, see Configuring Multiple Languages.


A string’s value in a specific language.


One of the filters on the Manage Translations Strings Subtab. When the default value of a source string changes, its translations may no longer be accurate. When a source string is listed as Invalidated, you should check to see that its translations are accurate.

Missing Translation

One of the filters on the Manage Translations Strings Subtab. If a string is missing a value in a particular language, it is considered to be missing a translation.

Translation File

A file containing translation strings from a collection. A translation file is an exported file, for example to be given to translation vendors for translation, and it can be imported after translation.

Target Language

A tag in the translation file determining the target language of the file. This tag must be included in the translation file to be imported.

Without Collection

One of the filters on the Manage Translations Strings Subtab. By selecting this option, you can display only stand-alone strings.


The filename extension of the files exported from the Manage Translations application for translations. Its file type is XLIFF.


The file type of the files exported from the Manage Translations application for translations. Its filename extension is XLF.

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