Setting Preferences for Jurisdictions

The jurisdictions listed on the Jurisdictions subtab are based on the addresses of your workplaces. Jurisdictions are also listed on each workplace record. If the jurisdictions list is empty, ensure you have entered a company address or an address for each workplace. Then, go to Setup > Payroll > Update Payroll Information to commit any changes. For more information, see Entering Workplace Records for Payroll.

To set preferences for jurisdictions:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll > Set Up Payroll.

  2. Click the Jurisdictions subtab.

  3. Click the subtab for each jurisdictions. You should see one federal subtab and, for each state in which you have workplaces, a state subtab.

  4. Verify that the information for each jurisdiction is correct. If necessary, update the information for a jurisdiction. For example, you might need to change the federal deposit schedule or your state employer account number.

  5. Click Save.

If you make changes to jurisdictions preferences, make sure that you update payroll information. For more information, see Updating Payroll Information.


You can use the Workplace Tax Jurisdictions workbook to identify and verify tax jurisdictions for each workplace. For more information, see Workplace Tax Jurisdictions Workbook.

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