Setting Company-Level Support Preferences

The support preferences at Setup > Support > Preferences > Support Preferences are used as the defaults for subsidiary-level preferences.

If you want to restrict support rep access to cases by subsidiary, you can also set the Restrict Cases Based on Subsidiary preference.

To set company support preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Preferences > Support Preferences.

  2. On the General subtab, check the Restrict Cases Based on Subsidiary box to restrict support reps access to support cases based on their subsidiary.

  3. Click the Notification subtab.

  4. Set the templates you use for support notification.

    You can create support email templates at Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates. For more information, see Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email.

    For information about support preferences, see Setting Customer Service Preferences.

  5. Click Save.

After you set the company support preferences, you can set preferences for each subsidiary.

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General Notices