Support Email Notification

You can set the following support email preferences on the Notification subtab of the Support Preferences page.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can create separate notification templates for each subsidiary. For more information, see Setting Subsidiary-Level Support Preferences.

Column & Preference




Notify Filer On Support Rep Cases

Check this box to automatically send email notification to customers when cases are created manually in your account by support reps.

Checking this box also enables notification to employees when they submit help desk cases.


All notification email for case creation is sent using the template selected in the Customer Notification Template field.

Notify Filer On External Cases

Check this box to automatically send email notification to customers when cases are submitted using the external case form in the Customer Center.


This does not send notification to customers submitting cases using online case forms. To send notification to these customers, select an email template in the Send Auto-Reply Email field. This field is on the Set Up Workflow subtab of the online form record.

Notify Main Support Email On External Cases

Check this box to send notification email to the support profile entered on the General subtab. Email is sent when new cases are created with an external case form in the Customer Center.

Inbound Email Case Capture


Notify Customers

Check this box to automatically send email notification to customers when cases are submitted by email using the Email Case Capture feature.

Email notification is sent using the template you select in the Customer Notification Template field.

Notify to List

Check this box to send notification that a case was created to each email address listed in the To line of the original email.

This preference works like a Reply To All for the 'To' line only.

Notify CC List

Check this box to include addresses in the CC line of the original email when replying to incoming cases with notification.



Notify Assignees

Check this box to have notification email automatically sent to support reps when cases are assigned to them.

Send Notification Replies to Customer

Check this box to send the customer a copy of the support rep’s reply when they are assigned to a case. The reply appears on the case record.



Notify Assignees

Check this box to have notification email sent to support reps when any changes are made to a case that is assigned to them.

This includes when customers reply to case creation notification.

Send Notification Replies to Customer

Check this box to send the customer a copy of the support rep’s reply when the case is updated. The reply appears on the case record.



Notify Escalatees Upon Update

Check this box to send a notification message to the person the case has been escalated to, whenever the case is updated.

Send Notification Replies to Customer

Check this box to send the customer a copy of the support rep’s reply when the case is escalated. The reply appears on the case record.



Notify Customer Upon Automatic Closure

Check this box to notify a customer when their case is automatically closed because all other cases linked to the case have been closed.

This preference requires Automatically Close Linked Cases to be enabled. Go to Setup > Issues > Preferences > Issue Preferences.


The notification is not sent if a linked case is manually closed.


Assignment notifications are not sent a user logs in and assigns a case to themselves. Additionally, update notifications are not sent when a user updates a case to which they are assigned. You can work around this limitation by creating a SuiteScript that sends a notification to the logged in user after a case is saved.

Related Topics

General Notices