Selecting Lot Numbers on Transactions

Use the following procedure to select multiple lot numbered items on transactions.

To select multiple lot numbered items on transactions:

  1. Next to the Serial/Lot Numbers field, click the Select Multiple link.

  2. In the item available lot numbers list, click an item in the left pane to add to the right pane.

  3. Click Done.

    All items in the right pane are added to the transaction. You can also enter a quantity to add more than one item from that lot. If you do not enter a quantity for a lot number, NetSuite assumes a quantity of one. By entering a specific lot number, you are designating a specific item and NetSuite allocates the specific item for this order. If you do not enter a specific lot number, NetSuite allocates only the specified quantity of this item to the order. You can designate the specific lot number for the item later.

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