Voiding Credit Card Transactions

NetSuite lets you void (reverse) authorizations by canceling the sales order. When you cancel or close a sales order, NetSuite sends a void request to the payment gateway to void the authorization and release shopper’s funds. For details on closing a sales order, see Closing a Sales Order.


Voiding authorizations from within NetSuite is supported only for CyberSource and MerchantE gateway integrations.

If the gateway integration does not support voiding, you must manually void the transaction through your merchant account at the payment gateway.

Authorizations are automatically voided when your customers cancel their orders in the customer center.

To void a payment authorization, on a sales order with Pending Approval status, click Cancel Order. If the sales order is pending fulfillment, click Close Order.

For the authorization to be voided, the sales order must meet the following conditions:

Status of the Voiding Operation

Depending on the gateway’s response, the void operation can have one of the following results:

To check the voiding status on a sales order, click Billing, and then view the payment events under the Payment subtab.

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