Currency Field Limitations
You can enter up to 17 digits including integers and decimals in a currency field on a record.
For decimal currencies, the maximum field size is 15 +2. You can enter numbers with up to 15 integers and 2 decimals. Example: 123,456,765,890,123.12
For currencies without decimals, the maximum field size is 17 +0. You can enter numbers with up to 17 integers. Example: 12,345,678,905,612,345
View-only currency fields such as totals, display up to 18 digits.
For decimals currencies, the maximum field size is 18 +2. Example: 123,456,789,012,345,678.12
For currencies without decimals, the maximum field size is 18 +0. Example: 123,456,789,012,345,678