Configuring the Employee Directory and Org Browser

After installing the Employee Directory SuiteApp, configure the Employee Directory and Org Browser:

The Employee Directory SuiteApp includes a default saved search which filters out inactive and terminated users. To create a saved search to filter employees differently, select it on the Employee Directory Configuration page.

The directory listing for an employee shows the following information:

Four additional fields appear in the directory listing for each employee. Configurable Field 1 follows the employee’s name. As an administrator, you can choose which fields appear from the following table:

Configurable Fields

Standard Fields

Custom Field Types

Configurable Field 1

Job Title

Free-Form Text


Configurable Field 2




Sales Role


Free-Form Text


Configurable Fields 3 & 4




Hire Date

Home Phone


Sales Role




Free-Form Text





The auto suggest feature and filter panel on the Employee Directory SuiteApp rely on the configurable fields you select. The SuiteApp suggests or filter employees based on four standard fields: Job Title, Subsidiary, Location, and Department. For example, Job Title is one of your configurable fields. You select and custom fields for the other configurable fields. The SuiteApp suggests and filters by job title.

Three additional fields appear in the org browser listing. Configurable Field 1 follows the employee name and has a larger font size than the other configurable fields. Configurable Field 1 has its own line above Configurable Field 2 and Configurable Field 3. The following tables shows which fields can be chosen:

Configurable Fields

Standard Fields

Custom Field Types

Configurable Field 1

Job Title

Free-Form Text


Configurable Fields 2 & 3




Sales Role


Free-Form Text



For standard fields such as Subsidiary and Sales Role to appear, enable the appropriate features.

To configure the employee directory and org chart:

  1. Go to Setup > Employee Directory/Org Browser > Preferences.

  2. To use the Employee Directory, check the Enable Employee Directory box.

    1. The Directory Layout section shows visible fields in the Employee Directory. Select the field you want to appear under the employee name and title from the Configurable Field 1 and Configurable Field 2 lists.

    2. Select the fields you want to appear on the right-hand side of the directory listing from the Configurable Field 3 and Configurable Field 4 lists.

  3. To use the Org Browser, check the Enable Org Browser (Org Chart) box.

    1. The Org Browser Layout sections shows visible fields in the Org Browser. Select the three additional fields you want to display from the Configurable Field 1, Configurable Field 2, and Configurable Field 3 lists.

    2. Under Org Browser Top-Level Employees, click the arrow in the Employee field. On the list, select the names of one or more employees who you want to show at the top of the Org Browser.

  4. Under Directory and Org Browser Filters, select the saved search you want to use to filter employees out of the directory and org browser. To revert to the saved search that was included by default with the Employee Directory SuiteApp, select Employee Directory (Default) from the Saved Search list. For more information, see Saved Searches.


    Ensure that the saved search does not filter standard criteria according to information listed on the user’s record. Specifically, avoid filtering standard criteria such as Class, Department, Location, Subsidiary, and others and according to -Mine - or – Mine and Descendants -. These restrictions also apply to User Field... criteria that you can filter according to Class, Department, Location, Subsidiary, and others.

  5. Click Save.

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