Navigating Record Pages Monitor

After you configured your chart preferences, watch lists, and custom durations, explore the features available on Record Pages Monitor. To open the page, see Accessing Record Pages Monitor.

When you first open Record Pages Monitor, you see the Record Pages portlet that shows the following elements:

Explore features of Record Pages Monitor using the following procedures:

Filtering and Sorting Tiles on Record Pages Monitor

Use the filters and sorting field to change the set of record operation tiles and their arrangement on Record Pages Monitor.

To filter and sort tiles on Record Pages Monitor

  1. Go to Performance > Record Pages Monitor.

  2. On the Record Pages portlet, go to the first field on the left.

  3. From the following options, select the set of tiles that you want to show on the portlet:

    • Most Utilized – Arranges the record tiles by highest number of instances.

    • Most Users – Arranges the record tiles by highest number of users.

    • Highest Response Time – Arranges the record tiles by highest response time.

    By default, the tiles are filtered according to the most utilized set of record operations.

  4. From the date and time range field, select from one of the preset options or from a custom range you created. To add a custom range, see Adding a Custom Date and Time Range on Record Pages Monitor.

    By default, the tiles are filtered according to record operations from the last 24 hours.

  5. (Optional) From the Sorting field, choose to alphabetically arrange the filtered tiles according to the following option:

    • Record Type – Arranges the record tiles in alphabetical order according to record type.

    • Operation – Arranges the record tiles in alphabetical order according to operation.

  6. Point to the upper right corner of the portlet. Click the Refresh icon.

    The set of five tiles are updated based on the options you selected.

Viewing Tiles on Record Pages Monitor

The Record Pages portlet shows a set of five record operation tiles that you can filter and sort according to your preference. Each tile shows metrics about a specific record operation. These metrics include response time, number of users, and record instances.

By default, this portlet filters your record pages to show the 10 most utilized record operations in your account. It also shows up to 10 more record operations that you have added on your watch list. For more information about viewing more than 10 operations, see Changing Watch Lists on Record Pages Monitor. In total, you can see up to 20 tiles in the Record Pages portlet.

Use the navigation buttons (< >) at the side of the portlet to view other tiles. Click a tile to see more details about a particular record operation. A set of charts associated with that record type and operation appear below the tiles.

For more information, see Record Pages Monitor Tiles.

Viewing Charts on Record Pages Monitor

When you click a tile, a set of charts associated with the record type and operation appear on the portlet. The following are the actions that you can perform on each chart:

  • To view details about a specific data point, place your cursor over a data on the chart to see data on the tooltip.

  • To view performance logs by record type, including performance log information and a list of instances, related to a specific data point, click the relevant area on the chart. The Page Time Summary page opens. For more information, see Monitoring Performance with the Page Time Summary.

  • To zoom in, press and drag your cursor over a vertical section on the chart that you zoom in to.

  • To return to the original view (zoom out), on the upper right corner of the chart, click Reset Zoom.

  • To hide or display a segment of data on a chart, click one or more relevant label on the chart legend.

For more information, see Record Pages Monitor Charts.

Exporting Data from Record Pages Monitor

You can export the information captured on the record tiles into a CSV file. Response times that appear on exported files are average response times.

To export data from Record Pages Monitor:

  1. Go to Customization > Performance > Record Pages Monitor.

  2. On the Record Pages portlet, point to the upper right corner.

    Icons appear.

  3. Click the More icon.

  4. Select Export.

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