Reallocate Open Quantities to Recommit Items for Fulfillment

You can use the Reallocate Open Quantities function to change which orders items are committed to for fulfillment. NetSuite examines orders for item quantities that are committed but not firmed or fulfilled yet. These items are eligible to be reallocated to commit them to another order for fulfillment.

For example, a new order is entered that is a higher priority to fulfill than existing open orders. You can reallocate open quantities of items committed on existing orders to fulfill the highest priority order.

To reallocate items to different orders, check the Reallocate Open Quantities box on the Commit Orders or Commit Order Schedule page. Then the pages show all sales orders, work orders, and transfer orders that include committed quantities not yet picked, packed, or shipped.


Orders that are firmed do not show in the list. This list is sorted by transaction date by default. Click a column header to change the sort order.

If you select a line that has Commit Criteria -Do Not Commit and then save the form, the status changes to Available Qty.

After you submit the Commit Orders form, a Process Status page displays the status of each object being processed. As each object processes, one of the following occurs:

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