Assigning a Location Based on Automatic Location Assignment

NetSuite can help you negotiate supply required by dates based on earliest availability across multiple locations for each required order item. NetSuite calculates availability based on the automatic location assignment rules and supply allocation policies.

Before you can assign location based on automatic location assignment, see Setting Up Automatic Location Assignment.

To assign location based on automatic location assignment:

  1. Complete the sales order page.

    For more information, see Creating Sales Orders.

  2. On the sales order, select an Automatic Location Assignment Configuration.

  3. In the Supply Required by Date column, click the Earliest Availability icon (ATP Icon).

  4. Complete the Earliest Availability popup window.

  5. To compute the best location, click Assign Location.

    The Assign Location popup window displays the best location and the earliest available date for the sales order line based on the following:

    • Quantity

    • Supply Required by Date

    • Allocation Strategy

    • Automatic location assignment configuration

  6. To accept the recommendation, click OK.

To decline the Supply Allocation calculation method, set the Sales Order line allocation strategy to Do Not Allocate. The link to the Check Item Availability popup window appears in the Sales Order Expected Ship Date column. NetSuite then treats all sources of supply as consumed against the demand orders, regardless of their allocations.

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