Outsourced Manufacturing Consolidator
The Outsourced Manufacturing Consolidator aggregates outsourced work orders into purchase orders.
Before the Outsourced Manufacturing feature can be enabled, an administrator must enable prerequisite features. To learn more, see Setting up Outsourced Manufacturing.
To manage the outsourced manufacturing consolidator:
Go to Setup > Manufacturing > Outsourced Manufacturing Management.
This page lets you to learn work order specific information, such as:
Last Successful Run
Next Scheduled Run
Pending Work Orders
To manually start the consolidation process for pending work orders, click Run Consolidator Now.
The Consolidator is scheduled to run every day at 2:00 a.m. in your organization's timezone. Currently, there is no option to set a custom schedule or to turn off the consolidator.
Outsourced work orders that are not linked to a purchase order in Firmed status will be consolidated into purchase orders by Vendor and Subsidiary.
Purchase Order Lines for work orders will be ordered by the work order creation time.
Due to performance expectations, a single purchase order is limited to 30 work orders.
Purchase orders are created on the Standard Outsourced Purchase Order form. Currently, there is no option to use a different form. For more information, see Outsourcing Production.