Printing an Allergen Statement

After you tag allergens for items, you can generate a statement containing items and the allergens contained within each item, in PDF format. The statement also contains information such as company or subsidiary name, address, email, and website.

To print receipts in PDF format, you need AdobeĀ®ReaderĀ®. Visit the Adobe website to download the latest version at no charge.

To generate a PDF of allergen statement:

  1. Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Allergen Statement.

  2. Press Ctrl and select one or more items from the Items field.


    If there are more than 50 items, you can click the Select Multiple icon and search and select items from the Choose Items window. Alternatively, you can also click the adjacent Search icon to do a criteria search and then select the items.

  3. (Optional) To print the allergen statement of each item on a separate PDF file, check the Separate PDF File for Each Item box.

  4. Click Generate PDF.

    A PDF file containing the allergen statement of selected items is created and opened. The allergen statement of each item displays on a separate page.

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