Enabling Prerequisite Features and Setting Accounting Preferences

After the prerequisite features are enabled and accounting preferences set, do not modify the features and preferences state.

To enable prerequisite features and set accounting preferences:

  1. And administrator must go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. On the Company subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Locations

    • Projects

    • Project Management

    • Multiple Units of Measure

    • Inline Editing

    • File Cabinet

  3. On the Accounting subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Accounting

    • A/R

    • A/P

  4. On the Transactions subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Sales Orders

    • Purchase Orders

    • Advanced Shipping

    • Pick, Pack and Ship

    • Shipping Label Integration

    • Advanced Receiving

  5. On the Items & Inventory subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Bar Coding and Item Labels

    • Inventory

    • Assembly Items

    • Work Orders

    • Serialized Inventory

    • Lot Tracking

    • Bin Management

    • Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management

    • Demand Planning

    • Manufacturing Work in Process

    • Manufacturing Routing and Work Center

  6. On the CRM subtab, check the Sales Force Automation box.

  7. On the SuiteCloud subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Item Options

    • Custom Records

    • Client SuiteScript

    • Server SuiteScript

    • SuiteSignOn

  8. Click Save.

  9. Go to Setup > Manufacturing > Manufacturing Preferences.

  10. Under the Production Execution section, choose one of the following in the Default Work Status field:

    • Firm Planned - Firm orders cannot be rescheduled.

    • Open Planned - Open orders can be rescheduled.

    • Released - Any work order in a Firm Planned state must be set to Released state to commit items to it.

  11. In the Check Completed Quantity in Prior Operations During Operation Completion field, choose one of the following:

    • No Verification — Choose this option to not receive verification warnings.

    • Require Confirmation before Saving — Choose this option to receive verification warnings. The completed quantity can be greater than the previous completed quantity after the warning is acknowledged.

    • Do Not Allow Saving — Choose this option to require that the completed quantity is not greater than the previous completed quantity.

  12. In the Default Scheduling Method field, choose the default method set on work orders created manually and by automated supply planning.

  13. Click Save.

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