Creating Travelers

Work order travelers are physical documents that convey manufacturing information to shop floor operators. The Advanced Manufacturing SuiteApp includes a modifiable traveler template in Advanced Manufacturing > Documentation File Folders > Templates.

Use batch travelers when batch operations require multiple batches and one partial batch to complete the work order.

To create a traveler:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Administration/Setup > Traveler Configuration > New.

  2. To identify the document type, enter a unique Traveler Name. For example, Template Traveler.

  3. Enter the NetSuite file cabinet Folder Name to save the document to. For example, AM Travelers.

  4. Enter the traveler Sort Order display number for advanced manufacturing lists.

  5. In the Script Name field, enter the scheduled script ID required to produce this type of document.

    For example, customscript_batch_traveler for batch traveler and customscript_template_traveler for template traveler.

  6. In the Doc Type field, enter one of the following:

    • Work Order – The script produces documents for a list of work orders.

    • Work Center – The script produces documents for a list of work centers.

  7. In the Parameter Prefix field, enter the string that identifies the scheduled script parameters.

    For example, batchtrv for batch traveler and tmptrv for template traveler.

  8. In the Custom Templates Folder field, enter the custom templates file cabinet folder path.

    If you are using the customscript_template_traveler script, you can modify the standard document production XML templates. You must provide a copy of all templates even those not modified. Copying the XML templates to another folder protects your changes from future bundle updates.

  9. Click Save.

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