Analyzing Trends in the Cash Flow Dashboard
You can view the Cash Flow Dashboard for a single, total parent, or company consolidated Subsidiary, and in Input or Reporting Currency.
You can use this dashboard to:
Review the end-of-month cash position for the projected Budget periods to assess if the projections are reasonable.
Analyze the Actual and projected operating Cash Flow trends to determine if the Budget is realistic and meets the company goals.
Analyze the cash activities to ensure they align with company expectations.
Drill into the Cash Flow activities to view trends at a detailed level.

This section includes general instructions on how to use the following interactive subforms in the Cash Flow Dashboard:
Cash Flow Trend – Displays the end-of-month cash projection and free cash flow.
The trends in the Cash Flow Trend graph are based on the following calculations per period:
Cash at the Beginning of Period =Prior Period Closing Balance
Cash at the End of Period =Cash at the Beginning of Period +Net Change in Cash for Period +Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash
Free Cash Flow = Total Operating Activities – Total Investing Activities
Cash Flow Ratios – Displays the Total Operating Activities to Sales, Free Cash Flow to Debt, and Cash Generating Power Ratio trends.
The trends in the Cash Flow Ratio graph are based on the following calculations per period:
Total Operating Activities to Sales =Total Operating Activities ÷Total Sales
Free Cash Flow to Debt =Free Cash Flow ÷Total Liabilities
Cash Generating Power Ratio =Total Operating Activities ÷(Total Operating Activities +Total Investing Activities +Total Financing Activities)
Cash Flow Activities – Displays the trends for Total Operating, Total Investing, and Total Financing Activities. The subform includes the option to drill into each activity to analyze trends at a detailed level.
To analyze Cash Flow's trends, ratios, and activities:
You can maximize and refresh each trend graph individually by clicking the Maximize icon and Refresh icon in each subform
, respectively.
From the Home page, go to Financials > Cash Flow.
Click Cash Flow Dashboard at the bottom of the page.
In the Point of View, select a Version, Subsidiary, and Currency.
If you use Dashboards 1.0, click the Go icon
to apply the changes to the POV.
Review the trends within each interactive subform for the selected Subsidiary. You can hover over a series line in the graph to display the series name, period (group), and value.
(Optional) In the Cash Flow Activities subform, to view and analyze a cash flow activity trend at a detailed level, click a cash flow activity in the legend.
If you drill into Total Operating Activities, drilling displays the Total Net Income and Total Adjustments to Net Income trends.
To analyze the source and trend of the change activities, drill down further to Total Adjustments to Net Income.
You can continue to drill further to Adjustment to Net Income, and then Change in Accounts Payable.
If you drill into Total Investing Activities, drilling displays the Change in Fixed Assets and Depreciation and Amortization trends.
If you drill into Total Financing Activities, drilling displays the Change in Long Term Liabilities and Change in Equity trends.