Troubleshooting Guide for Legacy Tax

If you encounter issues about tax codes on transactions, see the table below for scenarios and troubleshooting steps:



Recommended Action

The tax codes available on the transaction are not from the country you expect. For example, the tax code list on your transaction shows the UK tax codes instead of the German ones.

  • On a transaction, you can assign only those nexuses associated to the subsidiary. In general, nexus is based on the transaction shipping address.

  • The tax code list is based on the transaction nexus.

  • The tax code list on a transaction shows the tax codes that are in the same country as the transaction nexus ("nexus_country").

No tax code is set as default on a newly added item line even though there is a default tax code on the customer record.

  • On a transaction, you can assign only those nexuses associated to the subsidiary. In general, nexus is based on the transaction shipping address.

  • The tax code list is based on the transaction nexus.

  • The tax code set on the customer record is defaulted on the transaction if the tax code country equals to the transaction nexus ("nexus_country"). If the tax code country and "nexus_country" are not equal, the tax code set on the customer record is not defaulted on the transaction. For more information, see Setting Default Tax Items on Customer Records.

To check the nexus on the transaction, do one of the following:

  • Using Chrome Developer Console: type "nlapiGetFieldText('nexus')" and press "Enter".

  • Right-click anywhere on your page and then select "View page source" or "View source". Search "nexus_country" and the country code will show in the value field.

The tax codes available on the transaction are from the country you expect. However, there is a missing tax code or a tax group from the list.

  • Only tax codes or tax groups that are set as "Active" appear in the tax code list.

  • The tax accounts associated with the tax code type must be set as "Active".

  • Check if the tax code or group is active. If the tax code or group is set as "Inactive", they do not show on the tax codes list on transactions and entity records.

  • If you are using OneWorld, check if the tax code or group is associated to the transaction subsidiary.

  • Check if the tax control account associated with the tax code is active.

    Check the tax type associated with the tax code or group. The tax control accounts can be found on the tax type record. Look for the account in the Chart of Accounts and check the value of the "Inactive" box. If the account is set as "Inactive", this is why the related tax code or group is excluded from the tax code list on the transaction.

  • It is possible that the tax group and the related tax control accounts are active and the tax group is missing in the tax codes list. The reason for that might be that the Tax Code Lists Include setting is set to Tax Codes only. It is possible that the tax code and the related tax accounts are active and the tax code is missing in the tax codes list. The reason for that might be that the Tax Code Lists Include setting is set to Tax Groups only.

    • To check this setting, go to Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes and select your nexus tab.

    • Set the Tax Code Lists Include setting as needed.

    • The Tax Code Lists Include is applicable to US nexuses only.

  • For more information, see the related help topics:

  • If none of the mentioned cases is helpful, you can also check the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns setting under Home > Set Preferences.

Only the "Not Taxable" tax code is available in the transaction tax code list.

Check if "Taxable" box is unchecked on the customer record, on the transaction level, or on the item line level. For U.S. nexuses, this box is also available on tax schedules.

Other settings to check if the tax code is missing or the tax code list is not related to the country the you expect.

  • Make sure the following relevant records are active:

    • nexus

    • tax code or tax group

    • tax control account

    • tax type

  • Check the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns setting under Home Icon > Set Preferences > General > Optimizing NetSuite.

    Modify the setting to change the dropdown list to a popup list. For example, change the value from "50" to "0", and then check if this has resolved the problem.

    If the problem is resolved after changing this setting, you can submit a support case and ask Support to attach it to Issue 428212.

General Notices