Removing Budget Versions and Data
After you finish using the budget version that you created in Version Builder, you can remove that version and the related data from your application. You also have the option to remove only the budget data while keeping the version you created.
Best practice is to have only users with the Administrator role and budget owners clear budget versions and related data.
The procedures for removing budget versions and related data are covered in the following topics:
Removing Budget Versions
You can remove the budget versions that you created in Version Builder and the associated budget data from your application.
To remove the budget version from your application:
Click the Navigator icon
, and under Create and Manage, select Dimensions.
Under the Dimensions tab, from the Dimension list, select Version.
Click the expand icon
next to NSP_Version Builder to expand the list of budget versions.
Select the version you want to remove, and then click the Delete icon
Removing Data in the Budget Version
You can keep the budget version you created and remove only the budget data. To remove the data, you must execute the NFS_ADMIN -Clear Version business rule from Version Builder.
The NFS_ADMIN -Clear Version business rule can only clear scenarios of versions that are created from Version Builder. You cannot use this rule to clear the Base or Final versions.
Alternatively, you can remove data by executing the NFS_ADMIN -Clear Version business rule in the Rules card. For more information, see Launching Business Rules in the Oracle Help Center.
To remove data in the budget version from Version Builder:
From the Home page, click the Versions card.
In the Point of View (POV), select the Set Version, Subsidiary, Currency, and Years member.
Right-click anywhere in the data grid, and select Clear Version Data.
The window for the NFS_ADMIN -Clear Version business rule displays.
Select the Scenario, Version, and Year that you want to remove. You can click the Member Selector icon
to change the members to the specific scenario version combination that you want to clear.
Note:The NFS_ADMIN -Clear Version business rule removes data for only the Year member you select. The business rule does not clear the data in the budget version for all years you set when you created the budget version.
Click Launch.