Appending PDF Files to Documents

When creating documents, you can append PDF files to the final file to include additional information. PDF files are provided with a sequence number to sort them. PDF files with a lower sequence number are placed before those with a higher number.

You can store the PDF files in the File Cabinet, in fields from the item record, or you can provide the links where they are stored. If the transaction includes configured items, you can add the PDF files depending on the answers users select on the interface while configuring the item.

To append a PDF file to the document:

  1. On a saved template record, go to the PDFs subtab.

  2. Click New CPQP PDF.

  3. Provide a descriptive name for the PDF file.

  4. Provide a sequence number to determine the order in which the PDF file is appended to the document.

    Enter a negative or positive number. For example, -2 or 5.

  5. In the Origin to Take From field, select where to find the PDF file:

    • File – Lets you choose a PDF file stored in the File Cabinet. Select a PDF file from the PDF File field.

    • Item Field – Lets you use a PDF file stored in an item record field. Enter the field ID in the Item Field field.

    • URL – Lets you use a PDF File accessible through a link. Enter the link in the URL field.

  6. In the Show Rule field, provide the NetSuite CPQ Configurator question and answer combination that determines whether the file will appended to the final document.

    Enter question and answer codes separated by the forward slash character. For example, A/1. Use operators to combine multiple question and answer sets. For example, A/1&B/2. For more information, see Activating Building Blocks with Rules.

    If the transaction does not include configured items, enter */* (the always true operator) to append the PDF file to the document.

  7. Click Save.

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