Migrate from Legacy LCM-based SKUs to NetSuite EPM SKUs

In September of 2024, Oracle NetSuite EPM Standard Cloud and Oracle NetSuite EPM Premium Cloud became available as NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) SKUs. The new SKUs offer a complete EPM Cloud solution that extends the functionality of NetSuite. Customers should migrate from their legacy LCM-based SKUs to the NetSuite EPM SKUs to benefit from the new modules, features, add-ons, and enhancements. For more information about NetSuite EPM features and benefits, see NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management.

To learn which migration paths are supported and which are not, see Supported and Unsupported Migration Paths to NetSuite EPM SKUs.

To migrate your environment, you can clone the environment from a legacy service to a NetSuite EPM environment. Use either one of these two approaches for cloning environments:

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