Planning and Budgeting Sync and NSPB Sync Comparison

The Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp is a new addition to the group of SuiteApps that integrate NetSuite with the supported NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management products. This new SuiteApp incorporates features of NSPB Sync, along with new features and enhancements to align with the comprehensive NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management integration solution. This SuiteApp should be used by new customers in place of NSPB Sync.

Advantages of Using Planning and Budgeting Sync

The following points highlight why Planning and Budgeting Sync is preferred over NSPB Sync:

Comparing Planning and Budgeting Sync and NSPB Sync

The following table outlines the key differences between the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp and NSPB Sync.

Planning and Budgeting Sync


Installed from SuiteApp Marketplace

Installed from SuiteBundler

Includes new features and enhancements

Maintained for the existing customers

Supports both basic authentication and OAuth 2.0 to connect to NetSuite Planning and Budgeting from NetSuite

Supports basic authentication to connect to NetSuite Planning and Budgeting from NetSuite

Uses the _nspb_ prefix for the predefined saved searches and datasets

Uses the _nspbcs_ prefix for the predefined saved searches and datasets

The Jobs Calendar feature is not included yet

Includes the Jobs Calendar feature

Enables creation of default, unlocked saved searches and datasets

Includes default, locked saved searches and datasets

The NSPB Integration role is unlocked

The NSPB Integration role is locked

Contains no default integration record for token-based authentication setup

Includes the Internal NS Application NS-PBCS integration record for default token-based authentication setup

Includes default, unlocked plug-in script templates that can be easily customized to import and process budget data from Planning and Budgeting

Includes predefined, locked plug-in scripts to import and process budget data from Planning and Budgeting

Does not support workbooks

Supports workbooks


Read the following installation information:

  • Planning and Budgeting Sync requires installation of the latest version of the NetSuite EPM Connector SuiteApp.

  • Planning and Budgeting Sync should not be installed if NSPB Sync is already installed on the NetSuite account.

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