Avoiding Duplicates of Transactions in Customized Tax Returns

When you customize localized tax returns, duplication of transactions can occur. There are two possible causes of this error:

To avoid duplicates of transactions in customized tax returns:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Tax Returns.

  2. Click View next to the applicable report.

  3. Depending on the type of duplicate, complete the following steps for each report label:

    1. To prevent duplicates of transactions in the generated report, ensure there are no identical criteria selected in the filter boxes across the highlighted filter lines.

    2. To prevent duplicates of shipping costs in the generated report, do the following:

      • If the Include Shipping box is checked on one filter line, ensure that in the Tax Item Types filter box, -none- option is not selected on another filter line.

      • Ensure there are no identical criteria selected in the filter boxes across the highlighted filter lines.

  4. Click Save.

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