Electronic Invoicing for Colombia
NetSuite provides localized features designed to meet Colombian invoicing requirements. Colombia Electronic Invoicing features are included in the Colombia Localization SuiteApp. For information, read the following topics:
Colombia Electronic Invoicing Overview
In Colombia, taxpayers are required to use electronic invoicing for all their business transactions. Electronic invoicing in Colombia is known as CUFE (Unique Electronic Invoicing Code) and it must follow a specific format prescribed by the DIAN.
The Colombia Localization SuiteApp enables you to generate and process outbound and inbound e-documents to comply with CUFE in Colombia.
The following table lists the transaction types currently delivered by outbound and inbound Colombia Electronic Invoicing:
Outbound |
Inbound |
Sales invoice |
– |
Cash Sale |
– |
Credit Memo |
– |
The XML e-documents generated from the supported transactions require certification from the DIAN as a prior step to being forwarded to customers.
In Colombia, technological service providers (certification providers authorized by the DIAN) are responsible for all the communications between NetSuite and the Colombian tax authorities for certification purposes.
After the CUFE is approved and stamped by the DIAN, the technological service provider returns the certified CUFE to NetSuite.
The Colombia Localization SuiteApp includes integration with the following pre-configured Colombian technological service providers:
The SuiteApp also includes default e-document packages containing sending methods for certification and e-document templates in XML format to let you integrate with the technological service providers.
Package |
Certification Sending Method |
Template Name |
Dispapeles E-document Package |
Dispapeles Sending Method |
Facture E-document Package |
Facture Sending Method |
Gosocket E-documents Package |
Gosocket Sending Method |
The templates included in the SuiteApp are adapted to the specific format used by the technological service provider to fulfill DIAN standards.
Colombia Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide
To use the Colombia Electronic Invoice feature, you must first install and configure the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, which provides the framework for generating electronic sales invoices and supports the e-document certification process. See Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide.
The Colombia Localization SuiteApp includes default e-document packages, e-document templates, and e-document certification sending methods for using electronic invoicing in Colombia. For an overview of these components, see Colombia Electronic Invoicing Overview.
The administrator should first install the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, followed by the installation of the Colombia Localization SuiteApp. By doing so, the localized packages, certification sending methods, and templates are added to the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp and they are automatically installed for the user. You can view the installation status of these components on the Colombia Localization Components page. For more information, see Viewing Colombia Localization Component Installation Status.
To create new packages, templates and sending methods, see Creating E-Document Packages, Creating E-Document Templates and Creating E-Document Sending Methods
The sending method for sending certified e-document files to the customer (XML and PDF) must be manually created. For more information, see Setting Up an Email Sending Method for E-Documents.
You can restrict the editing of transactions based on the e-document status selected on an outbound e-document template record. For more information, see Creating E-Document Templates.
After installing the Colombia Localization SuiteApp, the account administrator must configure the technological service provider's credentials and other relevant settings. This is a one-time setup task to enable a technological service provider and store its credentials in NetSuite. Each one provides user credentials (for example, username and password) to be used when invoking their test or production web services.
Colombia Electronic Invoicing User Guide
The Colombia Localization SuiteApp provides some custom forms that include Colombia-specific custom fields needed to comply with tax and other government requirements in Colombia. For more information about Colombia custom forms and fields, see Colombia Localization Custom Forms and Colombia Localization Custom Fields.
To see the list of transactions that are currently supported by the Colombia Electronic Invoicing feature, see Colombia Electronic Invoicing Overview.
Electronic Invoicing Field Mapping
To use electronic invoicing in Colombia, you should map some DIAN fields to values set up in the account. These values are associated to measurement units, payment methods, tax codes, currencies, and discount codes.
To map electronic invoicing fields for Colombia:
Go to Setup > Colombia Localization > Colombia Fields Mapping.
From the Category field, select the data category you want to map:
Payment method: map the payment methods recorded in the account to the codes defined by the DIAN. Select the value that applies and click Save.
Unit of Measurement: map the unit of measurement type to the corresponding value defined by the DIAN. Select the unit of measurement category and the unit type that requires mapping. The units applicable to this measurement unit type are displayed. Select the value that applies and click Save.
Discount codes: map discount items per subsidiary to discount defined by the DIAN. Select the subsidiary the discount item belongs to and assign the corresponding discount code.
Tax codes:
From the Mapping Type field, select DIAN codes if you want to map tax codes to the codes defined by the DIAN. Map tax codes to the DIAN-specific codes and click Save.
From the Mapping Type field, select Tax information, if you want to indicate information about withholding types (withholding or self-withholding) and withholding category (IVA, etc.) for each tax code.
Currency: map the currency codes to their corresponding currencies. For instance, CO_PESO for pesos and US_DOLLAR for dollars.
Colombia Localization and API Secrets
To maintain the integrity and safety of the keys and passwords delivered by the technological service provider, it is necessary to set up API keys.
To set up API keys for Colombia:
Go to Setup > Company > API Secrets.
Click Create New.
Fill in the key information according to the technological service provider's indications:
Gosocket: You must build the key as the union between the user and password value separated by a colon (:). That is user: password; the resulting value should be translated to base64. You can use a web page (base64encode) or ask your organization’s technical staff for advice. Fulfill the ID (custsecret) set up by the application in the User field of the CO Electronic invoicing setup page.
Dispapeles: Create a secret API value for the user and a secret API value for the password. Fulfill the ID (custsecret) set up by the application in the User and Password fields on the CO Electronic invoicing setup page.
Facture: Create a secret API value for the user and a secret API value for the password. Fulfill the ID (custsecret) set up by the application in the User and Password fields on the CO Electronic invoicing setup page.
For more information about the API secrets module, see Secrets Management.
Electronic Invoicing Setup
To use electronic invoicing in Colombia, you must have the Electronic Invoicing bundle (436209) installed. Also, you should have mapped the fields described in the mapping section and have registered the records associated to the DIAN resolutions. Additionally, you must perform the electronic invoicing setup.
To set up electronic invoicing for Colombia:
Go to Setup > Colombia Localization > Electronic Invoicing Setup.
Click New Electronic Invoicing Setup.
Fill in the setup according to what the technological service provider delivered, as well as the organization’s preferences. This configuration must be performed per subsidiary.
You must fill in the information related to the service connection, the PDF’s predetermined languages. On the tabs, you can find predetermined information for the PDF generation per each of the transactions supported.
Click Save. The setup must be unique per subsidiary. If you attempt to generate two setups per subsidiary, the system will not allow it.
Electronic Invoicing Numbering Setup
To set up the different DIAN resolutions on each of the documents, make sure that the A/R Clerk role is authorized for the customized CO Resolution/Authorization record.
To set up electronic invoicing numbering for Colombia:
Go to Setup > Colombia Localization > E. Invoicing Numerations > New.
In the Name field, enter the name of the resolution corresponding to the transaction.
From the Transaction category list, select Sale Transactions or Purchase Transactions.
From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary corresponding to the numbering.
In the Prefix field, enter the prefixes corresponding to the numbering.
In the Resolution Number field, enter the DIAN’s authorized resolution number.
In the Initial Number and Final Number fields, enter the number range authorized by DIAN.
In the Validity Start Date and Validity End Date fields, enter the DIAN’s authorized dates for the resolution.
In the Current Number field, enter the number the transaction should start with.
From the Transaction type list, select the types of transaction that apply to this numbering.
Check the Contingency box if the numbering corresponds to a contingency numbering.
In field Point of Sale field, enter the point of sale associated to the resolution.
In the Technical Key field, enter the technical key associated to the resolution.
Generating Manual Invoicing
You can create an Invoice by going to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices (Administrator).
To generate manual invoicing for Colombia:
Fill the required information in the Invoice transaction form.
Notice the E-document subtab, related to NetSuite´s Electronic Invoicing module and the CUFE Information subtab, which contains the necessary information for electronic invoicing in Colombia.
On the CUFE Information subtab, complete the fields required by the DIAN:
DIAN Resolution
DIAN Payment Method (if applicable)
DIAN Transaction Type
DIAN Operation Type
DIAN Service Date
On the E-document subtab, enter the required information:
The XML template that you want to use depending on the type of transaction, regardless of whether it is foreign trade or not.
The available sending method for certification.
Follow the Electronic Invoicing guidelines described in Electronic Invoicing User Guide.
When you have entered all required information, click Save.
Click Generate Electronic Document, as described on the electronic invoicing section.
If the generation fails, click the E-document subtab and check the generation error details on the E-Document Audit Trail. You must first fix the errors before you can regenerate the e-document.
After the document is generated, click Certify E-Document, as described on the electronic invoicing section.
If the certification fails, check the error details on the E-Document Audit Trail log, to see both the technological service provider and the DIAN status.
The E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab also indicates the status of the certification process. If the document is successfully certified, the status changes change to Certification in progress and the automatic PDF process provides the certified documents.
Massive Invoicing
Go to Transactions > Sales > CO Massive E. Invoicing
Select the required information for filtering transactions. If you want to filter using another type of criteria, select the applicable fields and click Filter or check the Send Without Selecting box.
By clicking Filter, the transactions included in the criteria selected appear. Check the Select box at the beginning of the list and click Send Process.
If you have checked the Send Without Selecting box, click the Send Process and the massive process page appears.
When the process is run, the status appears as Completed or Completed Without Errors. If the process finishes with detail errors, you can see them at transaction line level so that you can fix them and stamp the transaction manually.
Colombia Electronic Invoicing Special Cases
In the case of Orders, select the following fields:
DIAN Operation Type: 11-Mandatos (Orders).
Indicate the Principal field on the transaction line.
Samples without commercial value (100% discount):
If applicable, select from the Sample list on the transaction line Gift (regalo) or Sample (muestra). From the Sample Code field, select the type of price (Other value, Commercial price, Reference price).
Consortium Invoicing:
At Entity level, check the Is Consortium? box to indicate it is a consortium. Then include the entities that belong to it, as well as their participation percentage, on the Relationships tab.
Important:The vendor Facture does not consider this scenario for this type of invoicing.
Group Items Invoicing:
For group items invoicing, check the Print Items? box in the transaction form to visualize the member items on the invoice, but not the main item.
If you do not check this box, you will visualize the main item, but not the member items.
Exports Invoicing:
For this type of invoicing, the foreign-specific templates should be assigned on the E-Document tab. On the CUFE Information tab, select 02- Factura de Exportación (Export Sales Invoice) from the DIAN Invoice Type list. For the DIAN Incoterm, at item line level, the tariff code should be assigned. In the item, the Brand -Colombia and Tariff Heading should be assigned.
Contingency Invoicing:
For this type of invoicing. On the CUFE Information tab, select 03-Factura por Contingencia Facturador (Biller Contingency Invoice) or 04-Factura por Contingencia DIAN (DIAN Contingency Invoice) from the DIAN Invoice Type list, depending on the case. Specify the DIAN Reference Document Type related to the contingency.
Debit Memos:
When using Sales Invoice transactions to do Debit Memos, select from the DIAN Transaction Type list Nota Débito (Debit Memo) to guarantee an accurate certification.
Select the template associated to the Debit Memo on the E-document subtab.
Gift items:
For gift items, first create an Inventory or a Non-inventory Item for Sale. Then go to the Self consumption movement type record from the search field and fill in the following fields:
Expense Account to be Reclassified: Account number for VAT reclassification.
Adjustment Item: Name of the previously created Inventory or a Non-inventory Item for sale.
The information will appear within the item record in the Otro Retiro field.
When creating the corresponding invoice, enter the items that had the Otro Retiro field filled in with the Gift product item and in the CUFE Information subtask the Gift Invoice box must be checked and the Self Consumption Concept set to Obsequio.
Absorbed and Not Absorbed VAT:
The VAT can be absorbed by the seller or transferred to the buyer of the good.
Note:The scenarios of VAT absorbed and not absorbed are only considered by GoSocket and Dispapeles. Facture only considers VAT absorbed by the customer.
Important:Facture does not allow zero values on an invoice. This applies in cases where the company absorbs the VAT. In Facture, the invoice always includes the VAT amount, so the accounting adjustments should be handled internally.
To configure the gift item to be used for account adjustments:
First create an Inventory or a Non-inventory Item for Sale and select Obsequio IVA No Asumido from the Otro Retiro list.
Then go to the Self Consumption movement type record from the search field.
Edit the Obsequio IVA No Asumido entry.
From the Adjustment Item list, select the Inventory or Non-inventory Item for Sale created on step 1.
Note:The gift item configured in this record must have the same tax code as the item to which the sample is being applied, so that the accounts balance to zero.
Excluded services:
These items must fill in he SuiteTax LATAM Engine Item Code field. Otherwise a warning message will appear.
In the XML, only items with calculated taxes will show the tax detail nodes.
XML and Transaction comparisons to round out exchange rate discrepancies:
In Colombia, transactions including amounts in foreign currencies are converted to Colombian Pesos (COP) before being stamped.
In the case when doing the conversion there are discrepancies, the Amount Differences box is checked, and the amounts for the Subtotal, Total Taxes, and Total fields are calculated and multiplied by the exchange rate. These amounts are then compared with the amounts reported in the certified XML.
This is applied to credit memo, debit memo, invoice, and vendor bill transactions. You should create a periodic report to resolve the rounding discrepancies found in these stamped transactions.
Attaching a file to Facture XML:
For Facture, you can issue a document along with the XML for certification. If the certification is successful, this document is stored in the Facture portal and sent to the customer´s email address.
To attach a file to the Facture XML:
Note:This field is optional. If you do not attach a file, the certification process is still performed.
On the transaction, go to the CUFE Information tab
Select the document from the Attached File list (PDF, ZIP, or any extension other than a script can be selected).
Configuring foreign currency written amount for a customer invoice:
To avoid errors on the invoice PDF, you must configure the translation of the foreign currency you are working with.
To add translations for foreign currencies:
Create the translations with their respective keys (both singular and plural). )
Go to Customization > Translations > Manage Translations.
Select CO Currency Translation under Collections tab. For example, CH_PESO.
Assign the created keys to the written currency.
Go to Setup > Colombia Localization > Colombia Field Mapping
Add the currency for which you set up the translation.
Default Certificate for GoSocket:
GoSocket technology provider defines that the certificate, which is enabled for stamping of electronic documents, must be handled by the customer. When the customer does not own a certificate, they must use GoSocket's default certificate.
To configure a default certificate for GoSocket:
Go to Setup > Colombian Localization > Electronic Invoicing Setup
Under the Printing Configuration field group, check the Default Certificate box. The GoSocket certificate will be used.
Support Document and Adjustment Note in COP -XML and PDF
According to DIAN specifications (Article 24 of Resolution 000167 of 2020) and business practice, both the Support Document and Adjustment Note must be expressed in COP (Colombian Pesos), even when the originating transaction is denominated in a foreign currency.