Vendor Delivery Performance Scores
NetSuite enables you to review the available vendor performance scores after you:
Create a Purchase Order
Release orders from the Order Items page
Release orders from the Order Requisitions page
You can open a vendor list to display late delivery scores based on historic transaction analysis. A similar link from an item on the Order Release page displays the Item Record Vendor list with late delivery scores.
Based on this predicted risk, you can re-formulate your purchase order by changing vendor or altering the order requested date.
To view vendor performance scores:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.
Beside the vendor, click View.
The vendor record, User Entry Predicted Risk section displays the following:
Predicted Days Early/Late – the number of predicted days the order will be early or late.
Predicted Risk Confidence -the predicted risk confidence percentage.
The Predicted Days Early/Late and Predicted Risk Confidence information is also displayed in Item Records, Order Items, Order Requisitions, and Purchase Orders. To learn more, see Vendor Delivery Performance.
To view vendor performance scores in a purchase order:
Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Orders.
In the Purchase Order form, under the Vendor field, click the Vendor Performance link.
In the Vendor Performance page, a Custom Vendor Performance Search displays all your .vendors and their performance as measured by Predicted Days Early/Late and Predicted Risk Confidence. You can further filter this page by Vendor name, Vendor Category, Customize the View.
Predicting vendor performance after entering a purchase order:
Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Orders.
Create a new purchase order defining a Vendor, Location, and an item with some quantity.
Select a future Expected Receipt Date.
Click Save.
The purchase order is in Pending Approval status.
Click the Get Predictions button to invoke the vendor performance algorithm for this vendor, location, date, and item.
The Supply Chain Predicted Risks pop-up window displays the Predicted Days Late/Early figure.
To learn more, see Predicted Risks Portlet