Using Code 128 Bar Codes

Leave the UPC Code field blank on item records. Items use the Code 128 format for bar codes by default.

When the UPC Code field is clear, the SKU/UPC field on item labels displays the Item Name/Number and prints in Code-128 bar code format.

To use a UPC or EAN bar code:

  1. Go to the item record at Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the item record in the list.

  3. Enter the code in the UPC Code field. Enter a maximum of 999 characters in this field to identify an internal name or number to store the item's UPC Code. You can use the text you enter here when adding the item to transactions, searching, or viewing reports.

    • When you enter text in this field, the SKU/UPC field on item labels displays this UPC Code and prints in UPC bar code format.

    • When this field is clear, the SKU/UPC field on item labels displays the Item Name/Number and prints in Code-128 bar code format.

  4. Click Save.

    NetSuite supports bar code labels for the UPC A format and the EAN format. If an invalid number is entered in the UPC Code field, the bar code might not display properly.


Bar codes on transactions are always generated in Code 128 format. When bar codes are printed on labels or transactions, the transaction or Item Name/Number it represents prints below the bar code.

To properly scan bar codes, you must use popup windows rather than lists. To use only popup windows, go to Home > Set Preferences. Set the Maximum Size of Drop Downs to 0, and then save.

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