Creating the Token Password

You need to combine several values to get the token password which is the authentication string that allows you to access the Connect Service with TBA.

To create the token password:

  1. Create a base string. The base string is the variable created from concatenating a series of values. Use an ampersand as a delimiter between values. The values should be arranged in the following sequence:

    1. NetSuite account ID

    2. Consumer key

    3. Token

    4. Nonce

    5. Timestamp

    The following example shows the base string that you obtain if you have the following values:

    • NetSuite account ID -1234567

    • Consumer key-71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3ac99498a947c3b7beaf4a1e4a29f7c4

    • Token -89e08d9767c5ac85b374415725567d05b54ecf0960ad2470894a52f741020d82

    • Nonce -6obMKq0tmY8ylVOdEkA1

    • Timestamp -1439829974

    In this case, the base string is as follows:

  2. Create the signature key. The key is a string variable created by concatenating the appropriate consumer secret and token secret. These two strings should be concatenated by using an ampersand.

    The following example shows the signature key that you obtain if you have the following values:

    • Consumer secret -7278da58caf07f5c336301a601203d10a58e948efa280f0618e25fcee1ef2abd

    • Token secret -060cd9ab3ffbbe1e3d3918e90165ffd37ab12acc76b4691046e2d29c7d7674c2

    In this case, the key is as follows:

  3. Create the signature by using the base string, the signature key, and concatenating the algorithm with an ampersand. The signature must be encoded by Base64 and only the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is supported.

    In this case, the signature is as follows:

  4. Use the base string and the signature to get the token password.

    In this case, the token password is as follows:


    The token password always includes the equal character (=) as part of the SHA256 algorithm, but the ADO.NET driver does not identify correctly this special character. If you are using the ADO.NET driver, you must enclose the token password in single quotation marks ('example').

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