Creating Case Rules

A case assignment rule is a set of parameters for how support cases are distributed to support representatives. The rules are based on fields found in the case record. After you create case rules, they are grouped together as case territories. These territories are assigned to your support representatives so that new support cases are distributed automatically.

For example, Wolfe Electronics creates a rule called Installation Issues for cases with Installation selected in the Support Issue field. They can then group this rule with other rules to create a territory.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you must create case rules based on the subsidiary field. This field ensures that support reps are assigned cases only in subsidiaries they have access to. For more information, see Customizing Support Rep Roles for NetSuite OneWorld.

To create a case rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Management > Case Rules > New.

  2. On the Select a Rule Field page, click the name of the field you want to base this rule on.

    The type of field you select determines what kind of criteria, and in some cases sub-criteria, you can set.

    Under Customer Fields, you can select a field from customer records that you want to base the rule on. For example, you can create a rule for all cases submitted by customers from Maine.

  3. On the Case Field Rule page, enter a name for this rule.

  4. Enter a description for this rule.

  5. The field you are basing this rule on appears below the Description field.

  6. Set the criteria you want for this rule. The criteria you can set are based on the field type:

    • Numerical fields – criteria and subcriteria based on numerical ranges

    • Text fields – criteria and subcriteria based on case-sensitive, alphanumeric content

    • List fields – criteria based on including or excluding choices in pre-existing list

      You can select more than one choice in the list by pressing your keyboard's CTRL key while selecting additional options with your mouse.

  7. When you have finished setting your criteria, click Save.

After you have created the case assignment rules, group those rules into territories and assign the territories to support representatives. To do this, go to Setup > Case Management > Case Territories > New. For more information, see Creating Case Territories.

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