Landed Cost Billed Separately With Advanced Receiving

See the following example of landed cost billed separately with Advanced Receiving.


This example is not applicable for Standard Cost items. For an example on using landed cost with standard cost items, see Landed Cost With Standard Cost Items.

To bill landed cost separately with Advanced Receiving:

  1. Enter the item receipt against an existing purchase order that includes an item that tracks landed cost.

    The freight bill has not arrived, so no information is entered on the Landed Cost subtab yet.

    The entire amount of the landed cost bill is applied to the receipt even if you do not receive all items on the order.

  2. After you receive the freight bill, enter the freight charge as a vendor bill.

    When entering the bill, click the Expenses and Items subtab and select a landed cost item on the Items subtab of the bill. Because you are not entering any inventory items, select a landed cost item such as Freight.

    A vendor bill shows in the Transaction field of the Landed Cost subtab only if it includes an item that tracks landed cost.

    For more information, see Creating a Landed Cost Item.

  3. Be sure to select a landed cost category for each line-item you enter. For example, if you select the landed cost item Freight, select the landed cost category Shipping.

    Selecting a category determines where the bill appears as a Transaction source on the Landed Cost subtab. For example, you select the category Shipping. This vendor bill appears in the Transaction source list for the Shipping category. It does not appear in the list for the Duty category.

  4. Enter reference information in the Memo field of the bill header. The memo text appears in the Transaction list when you are selecting a source transaction. You can also search for memo text in the transaction list.

  5. Edit the item receipt you entered in step 1. On the receipt, identify the freight charge as a landed cost for the items on the receipt by clicking the Landed Cost subtab.

  6. A line appears for each landed cost category. Next to the Shipping category, select Other Transaction in the Source field. The Transaction field will appear next to the Source field.

  7. In the Transaction field, click the List button to open a list of transactions that include items associated with landed costs for this category. Select the vendor bill you created in step 2.

    Keep in mind the following about the transaction list:

    • Transactions associated with other landed cost categories DO NOT show in this list.

    • Bills show only if they are not yet allocated to another item receipt.

      • You can search for keywords or memo text to find the correct bill.

      • This list can include both Open and Paid bills.

  8. Click Save.

After you save the edited receipt, the entire amount of the bill is applied as a landed cost. You cannot apply a partial amount.


A landed cost vendor bill can be applied only to a single item receipt by sourcing the transaction. A bill cannot be sourced from multiple receipts. If you need to apply a landed cost to multiple receipts, select Manual as the source to enter to cost separately.

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