Finding the Predefined Tax Determination Rules CSVs for Colombia
The predefined tax determination rules CSV files provided by the SuiteTax Latam Engine -Colombia Records SuiteApp are available in your account’s File Cabinet.
You can download the CSV files to your device and then import them to your NetSuite account. The files are separated by jurisdiction and type of tax.
Each type of tax has two files that you can use to create different record types:
A CSV file to create tax determination rules records
A CSV file to create tax determination settings records related to the rules
You should download the files that are most relevant to your needs.
To find the predefined tax determination rules for Colombia:
Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
On the sidebar, find the SuiteApps folder.
Click SuiteApps.
The files and folders within this folder show up on the right-side panel.
Click the com.netsuite.colombiafasttaxenginedatarecords folder.
The Data Records Samples folder shows up on the right-side panel.
(Optional) To download the entire predefined records folder, click Download next to the Data Records Samples folder.
(Optional) To download specific files from the folder, click the Data Records Samples folder.
Click the folder of the type of tax you want to download.
If you are downloading the predefined tax determination rules for national taxes, click the National folder.
The files within this folder show up on the right-side panel. The files are prefixed by the acronym that identifies the tax.
If you are downloading the predefined tax determination rules for municipal taxes, click the Municipal folder.
The files within this folder show up on the right-side panel. The files are prefixed by the acronym that identifies the tax and the name of the city they apply to.
Click Download next to the file you want.